Many legends concerned with inundations and the end of the world show a
repetition of certain syllables or wordings. The syllables in question are
‚‘Ad‘, ‘Atl‘, ‘At‘, ‘Ar‘, ‘Azt‘, etc. These syllables and words do not refer
to objects or similar items but to countries, pieces of land, creators and
paradises that do no longer exist. But where is the connection? Are these
syllables the origin of civilization? Did man use such legends to save the
memory of Atlantis? In any case, ATLANTIS is the Greek word for the lost
voyages of Saint Brendan (picture 17th century) are part of the Celtic
mythology. His legendary adventures mention a wonderful paradise west of
North Europe which was called “Islands of the Blessed“. Obviously, these
islands have been put west of North Africa, and an additional island is
located north of North Africa. Could this paradise be the legendary Celtic
It should also be pointed out that our Biblic forefather AD-AM, first man on
earth, is actually nothing more than the Hebrew translation of earth or soil,
and Eve is the translation of life.
The table below offers a brief survey of Ad..., Atl..., At... . This is
just an excerpt. There is no linguistic evidence for these comparisons and
it might prove nothing but fiction – but it really surprised me.
According to the records of North African tribes, the archipelago west
of the Atlantic Ocean is called Atarantes or Atlantioi |
Aztlan was the name of the primeval AZTECAN home and it was
situated east of the Atlantic Ocean. |
Avalon was the earthly paradise of the Celts, Welshmen and
Anglo-Saxons (legends of Arthur). |
According to the Koran, Ad was a city Noah warned of the Flood. |
Atlaua: powerful water god of the Central American Indians. He is
also called “master of the water“. Additionally, this god represents
rebirth. |
Attala is a dried up ocean and Atlas means the mountains in North
Africa. |
In the language of the Aztecs (America) and of the Berber (North Africa)
Atl means water. A remider of the Flood? |
Athena is the Greek goddess that gave man knowledge of all things
as well as the alphabet. |
The ancient Egypts regarded Atum as the personification of the primeval
chaos that brought forth everything. |
Audumla is the Teuton primeval cow everything originated from
after fire and ice came together. |
Atalya is the name of very old caves on the Caribbean islands (assumed
mountain tops of Atlantis) |
Atargatis is the Syrian earth (embodied as a goddess) that is the
origin of water and all life. |
The Azores, situated in the centre of the Atlantic Ocean. |
Asgard was the abode of the gods worshipped by the Wikings. |
Ararat is the name of the mountain Noah was shipwrecked on after
the Flood. Was this a reminder of Atlas, the highest mountain on the
island of Atlantis? |
Aaru, Aalu or Armenti was the name of the Egyptian land of
the Sacred. |
Aralu was the Babylonian underworld in the centre of the world. |
Remember that this list is just an excerpt. The similarities could mean
that there was an empire known as Atlantis or carrying a similar name.
Assuming that such an empire existed – should it not be recorded in myths
and legends? This is exactly what happened: glorious lands and paradises are
mentioned in the Bible, in the Koran, in records of the Maya, Aztecs,
Babylonians and even the Celts and Wikings had known such a land. Did these
people pass on and thus maintain in their ancient legends of paradises and
inundations the memory of this land and the devastating catastrophe?