In my opinion, it is truly astonishing that only few reseachers ever saw the origin of the Atlantis myth in Asia or in the Pacific Ocean. It is this very part of our planet that literally bursts with legends concerning inundations and the end of the world. To get more information on this topic, I delved into both legends and history books.

The advanced civilizations of Asia Minor known to us (Jericho, Ur, etc.) started farming around 8000 BC. Nowadays, we regard that as a true achievement. But hardly anyone pays attention to the fact that in 9000 BC, farming in Indonesia (just in the area around Kaviana) was nothing out of the ordinary. However, farming in that area was not reestablished until 2000 BC.

What happened there? The map seems to offer no other solution than the great Flood known to people all around the world.

Having a look at Asia as it was 10 000 years ago, which is the point in time when, according to Plato, Atlantis faced its doom, presents a clearly larger land mass. Could the melting of the poles after the Ice Age have caused a mass invasion from South Asia? Was this the origin of the Flood legends in Asia Minor?


Another puzzle concernes the Easter Islands located in the Pacific Ocean, far away from any civilization.The craftsmanship of these islands corresponds to the one of the ancient Incas. Moreover, there is the assumption that once the Easter Island were much bigger. The sign script of the Easter Islands almost equals the ancient scripts of Indus Valley. But how can such similarities occur taking into account the huge distance? Was there a land bridge or anything comparable in the Pacific Ocean? Or were the people at that time transoceanic salesmen?


Script signs of the Easter Islands (above) Indus Valley (below)

Several Micronesian islands show stone ruins and pyramids made of earth the creators of which are, however, unknown. On Ponape, a ruin city runs alongside stony channels and dykes. The size of that area amounts to a total of 2 850 hectares and covers several islands, some of them artificial.

Legends told in the Pacific area claim that this archipelago was part of the lost empire or continent of Kalu’a which is believed to have been destroyed by tidal waves and explosions. 

Ancient Mu – Truth or Fantasy?

Some researchers among them J. Churchward and Le Plongeon (who lived at the beginning of the 20th century) suggest that there was an empire called MU. The legend of MU arose from an inability to decipher two characters of the script rolls as translated in the 16th century. These characters looked like M and U.

This is a perfect example of how little time it takes for a myth to come into being. Mu is based on nothing but fantasy and wrong translations. Maybe Plato simply imagined the whole story of Atlantis in order to impress the scholars of that age.

The empire and mysterium of MU is based on translations of the few Maya writings still available (only one third of the hieroglyphs has been deciphered so far).

Picture: Codex Dresdensis, one of the remaining Maya writings


In addition, there seems to be an “Atlantis“ or home of the gods in Buddhist mythology, that is the mythical kingdom of SHABHALA. Taking into account the Indogermanic roots of the Europeans this sounds like WALHALLA, the Nordic paradise. It is said to be situated in the northeastern part of India or at the North Pole, nobody really knows. The Saviour was supposed to come from this kingdom when the world is threatened by war and destruction. Moreover, the Kalachakra-teachings (a complex meditation system) are assumed to originate from SHAMBHALA.

The Indian Legend of the Flood:

MANU was the first being and progenitor in Hinduistic mythology. He saved MATSYA ( a fish that is supposed to have been Vishnu’s first incarnation) from being swallowed up. The fish grew bigger and bigger in MANU’s home. When it became too big the fish asked MANU to bring him to the sea. Before MATSYA swam under water he warned MANU of the Flood and told him to build a big ship and embark with a wide variety of animals and seeds. Yet when it started raining MANU’S ship was still in the making. And what is more, it was in danger of sinking. Then MATSYA returned and told MANU to fix the ship to a high mountain and wait for the Flood to be over. Out of profound thankfulness MANU arranged for a sacrifice of milk and butter. One year later, MANU’s daughter IDA was born out of this sacrifice and the two of them created a new human race.

This legend about the Flood bears great resemblance to the Occidental version, but where do these legends come from?

Japanese Myths of Creation:

The Japanese genesis tells of IZANAGI and IZANAMI, the eighth divine couple in Shinto mythology. They had the order to populate the earth and create a new saviour for the flooded world. Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, burnt his mother to death when she gave birth to him. Grief-stricken, Izanagi went to the underworld and tried to get Izanami back but was denied that heartfelt desire. Then, when he saw his wife (she had become a demon) he fled from the underworld and washed his face in a river. As a result, the sun goddess Amaterasu, the moon god Tsukyomi and the storm god Susanowo came into being. Izanagi then divided his kingdom among these gods.

Obviously, this story closely resembles the Greek genesis where Zeus, the ancient god of the gods of the third dynasty, divided his kingdom into three parts. Zeus himself ruled over the heavens, Hades was given control of the underworld and Poseidon gained the sea.       

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